November 22

(VIDEO) A Day in the Life of a Property Developer | Property Development Secrets


A Day in the Life of a Property Developer | Property Development Secrets

How does the world of property development really work?

How do people even get in to this strategy?

Development is by far the most profitable property strategy when done well… but the most expensive when you get this wrong.

In today's video, we go behind the scenes and see two property experts discuss how they started out in the business.

Kam Dovedi joins the founder of Iguana Developments and they discuss everything from HMOs to how they got started in property to why spending more money correctly can benefit you in the long run.

You’re going to learn property hacks where you can work out how much it costs to build a unit, mistakes people make when buying land, and tonnes of other golden property tips.

So whether you’re someone who is just starting out in property or you’re a seasoned property investor, this video has all the top tips you need on your unique property journey!

Comment down below with any questions you have and I'll get them answered for you!

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